The year, 2015, so far has been particularly pricey for house hunters hoping for a detached home in the City of Toronto.
In February, 2015, the average sale price for the in-demand property type rose above the million dollar mark and hasn’t come down since. In June, 2015 the average sale price for a detached house in the city rose 14.2 per cent, year-over-year, to $1,051,912.
But in some parts of Toronto a detached home averages nearly half that amount. We looked into MLS data for the first six months of the year to see where house hunters are most likely to find a home without a seven-figure price tag.
Excluding six central districts that saw fewer than 100 detached home sales, there were 18 districts that saw an average sale price for a detached house come under $1 million and 11 that came out above. C06, which is home to neighbourhoods such as Bathurst Manor and Clanton Park, was the only district in the Central Region of the city to have an average sale price below $1 million, though it came very, very close at $998,230.
With an average sale price of $532,476, the district with the lowest average during the first half of the year was W10, or North Etobicoke. W03, which is home to neighbourhoods such as Weston-Pellam Park, Rockliffe-Smythe and Keelesdale-Eglinton West, followed with an average sale price of $563,745.
Despite two western district having the lowest averages, eastern districts outnumbered the western districts with averages below $1 million.
Have your eye on a particular part of the city? Check out our interactive map to see how the districts compare:
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